October 25, 2012

Take the November Unplug Challenge for a Chance to Win a Free Massage or Body Decoding Session

A little extra incentive to get you to unplug...a chance to win a free hands-on Bodywork/Massage Session or a long distance Body Decoding Telesession. See details below. Learn more about these sessions: http://return2balance.blogspot.com/p/services-rates.html

Drawing Rules:
1) Subscribe to this YouTube Channel so you will continue to receive tips on how to live a happy, healthy life: http://www.youtube.com/ReturntoBalance

2) Unplug from electronic devices (including but not limited to: cell phones, t.v., internet, computers, etc) one day a week (at least 12 consecutive hours). I will exclude ereader/ipad if it is being used for the purpose of reading a book. I am also updating this to allow devices to be used for the purpose of meal planning/cooking.

How you can win:
Your name will be entered into the drawing each time you unplug one day a week in the month of November (4 chances total). If you unplugged that week, either email me at returntobalance@gmail.com or let me know in the comment section of this email. I have no way of proving you did in fact unplug but I'm trusting you to be honest. 

Winner will be picked in December.

I'd also love to hear comments on what you did instead of being plugged in.

Some of my favorite things to do while unplugged: be outside, exercise, journal, read for leisure, learn something new, engage in a favorite hobby, spend time with people that enrich my life, have alone time, dance, meditate and more. I can also be incredibly productive by using the time to get house projects done, organize, etc. I'm always excited when I find a new way to simply and streamline my life!

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