September 4, 2012

Parenting Project: Open Sharing

[Initial description (post dated 8-16-12), mission/scopes of The Dark Side of Parenting Project and information about the anonymous survey at can be seen in previous posts below. I've also added a page listing these to avoid scrolling as there are more updates, see list on right hand side.]

Thank you again to all of you who have showed support for this project. Your stories and comments touch my heart and encourage me to press on. I want to make it clear that the survey isn't just for moms. It's for all parents...that means you too dads. I was saddened to hear that Happy Bambino currently isn't offering the support group for dads. Dads deserve (and need) to share their stories just as much as moms do.
Initially I put a deadline on the survey. Now, however, it is simply a place for you to share your story until the max number of responses has been met. I also changed the disclaimer on the survey so you now have the option to deny giving me permission to publish what is written. I truly believe that writing your story is healing in and of itself. Please feel free to use the survey for this purpose.
If this project resonates with you, please "like" it on Facebook and spread the word.

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