The last few
months every time I sat down to share a favorite insight or health tip through
my blog, Facebook or ezine, I’d cringe. The more I tried to overcome this
resistance the more I felt pushed back sometimes even to the point of physical
pain (digestive upset, headaches, fatigue, etc.)…crazy right?!? To make matters
worse, I was also turning down networking opportunities, chances to be a
featured author in various publications and even PAID speaking
engagements---what the heck was going on?!?
my perspective began to shift when a dear friend/mentor flat out asked me “do
you even want to work?” In hindsight I realize that while I responded “yes” a
part of me was saying “no”. You see at that point in time my family life had
been turned upside down with the news that my husband’s job was going to be
relocated by June 2013. What did this mean??---commuting?, closing the beloved
practice that I’ve spent the last seven years building?, moving?, rebuilding my
practice from scratch?, changing jobs?---it all seemed to be one big question
Now you
might be wondering how this relates to the internal struggle and physical pain I
previously mentioned. Well, many business coaches and trainings teach that
blogging, posting on Facebook, sending out ezines, etc. are necessary to build
a successful business. When I first started following these guidelines, to my
surprise, I actually enjoyed this new way of connecting with others. In
hindsight I can see that my withdrawal from/resistance to networking (online
and in person) increased the closer it got to June and escalated after. Why?
A part of me
felt that as a result of doing these posts, publications and speeches, someone
might want to work with me…oh no, right?, lol. I’m a people-pleaser and I
didn’t want to have to turn someone away. I started blogging and posting,
however, even when I didn’t have openings for new clients. (I have been so
blessed in the support and client loyalty of my practice and as such haven’t
had many openings for new clients in over two years. In fact most months there
is a waiting list.)
So what
changed? As fear, worry and a whirlwind of uncertainty swept into my life with
the news of my husband’s job being relocated, my head took over and it became
about me instead of you. The instant that happened was the moment the
resistance was created. Once I finally realized that my focus had shifted away
from my heart’s desire to serve my Return to Balance Community (my beautiful clients,
readers and followers) and was throwing me out of alignment, I was able to readjust
my mindset (i.e. back to connecting for the sake of connecting and bringing
forth information that may help others live a life of less pain and more energy
and joy). This mindset shift released the resistance that was causing my
internal struggle and physical pain. Hence you getting to read this post :) I’m sorry for the past
few months’ decrease in tips and insights but what can I say I’m human. As I
always tell my clients, “being in balance is not a state you reach it is a
daily practice and journey. The importance is in recognizing when you are out
of alignment and then taking the steps to return to balance”.
So the nugget of wisdom to take with you is
that if your head and heart are not on the same page you will struggle and feel
stuck regardless of the effort you put in. (It can even cause dis-ease in your
This holds
true for pain as well, especially if you’ve tried “everything” but nothing
seems to give you the pain relief you desire. One common pain pattern scenario
is you don’t want to be in pain anymore but on a subconscious level you believe
holding onto the pain is serving a purpose. Often this deeper issue is what is
keeping you from being able to release the pain.
I’m happy to
report that the pieces seem to have come together allowing my husband to work
as he needs to, me to not only continue my beloved practice in Madison but
expand my hours, and our daughter to get the care and support she needs. Ironically,
for the first time in over two years I am accepting a few new clients.
If you are ready to release your pain and live
a life of more energy and joy, contact me to schedule your 30 minute complimentary
Pain Relief Discovery Session.
You can also learn more tips on how to live a life
of less pain and more energy and joy by subscribing to my ezine via the form on
my “Tips…” page on this website and as a bonus
I’ll send you my guide “9 Simple Tips for
a Pain-Free Work Day”. This guide is a great resource whether your “work”
involves being in an office, being CEO of your family, both, or something
altogether different.
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