October 17, 2012

Avoid Cold/Flu Season

Video summary and additional tips not mentioned in the video are below.

The "subscribe" button mentioned applies to the YouTube page and I was wrong it is above the video not to the right of it...live and learn.  http://www.youtube.com/ReturntoBalance

This video was also posted on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Return-to-Balance-LLC/309904055773492?ref=hl

Not mentioned in the video:
Do you have some tricks of your own for boosting your immune system? Feel free to share them in the comment section below.

Drinking water (half your weight in oz, ie if you weigh 100 lbs your ideal amount would be 50 oz) can help keep your body flushed of toxins. Toxin build up can put you at a higher risk of getting sick.

Using a tissue/hanky and putting it back into your pocket is a great way to spread germs to everything in your pocket such as money, which you will probably give to someone else to pay for something...that cash will be handled by many people.

If you do get sick, the best thing is to stay home if you can. Taking a day or two off to let your body rest can help you fight the bug faster...an added bonus is it protects the rest of us from catching your bug.

Video Summary:
I am noticing people coughing and sneezing and hearing reports about stomach bugs and other viruses. The cold and flu season may already be upon us. Here are some of the ways I stay healthy and avoid getting sick during cold and flu season.

The Importance of Vitamin D3: Starting this time of the year I take 5,000-10,000 IU of Vitamin D3. If you aren't comfortable taking this amount, you can ask your doctor to test your vitamin D levels and discuss an appropriate dose. We naturally get vitamin D from the sun. There are so many benefits from being outdoors! Being out in the sun also causes the brain to release the feel good chemical serotonin. This can help combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or a lesser case of the winter blues, which can result due to less daylight this time of the year.

Cover Your Neck: If you do go outside, cover your neck. Even if it is a nicer day and you don't want to be bundled in a heavy coat, at least wear a scarf or clothing (like a turtleneck) to make sure your neck is covered. Wind and cold (I forgot to mention in the video dampness too) enter the body through the area where your head and neck meet and can cause you to get sick.

If You Do Get Sick: cough/sneeze into your elbow instead of your hands/Kleenex, it is more sanitary. If you do cough/sneeze into your hands/Kleenex, wash your hands immediately. Please don't spread your bug to the rest of us by touching things with your contaminated hands.

Hope these tips help you stay happy and healthy! For more tips, subscribe to my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/ReturntoBalance

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